Friday, December 6, 2019

The Patient Experience And Partnering In Care To Prevent Falls

Question: Discuss about the Patient Experience And Partnering In Care To Prevent Falls And Harm From Falls. Answer: Introduction According to Choctaw (2016) Patient Experience is a critical part of health care quality which covers a wide range of relations that the patients in any healthcare facility have with the various components of the health care system including, the nurses, physician practices, and doctors. This paper reflects on Mr William Taylors experience with a focus on how understanding it together with partnering in care with families can help improve the quality of care, safety and experience of family or patient. Description The scenario presents the case of Mr William who had a couple of falls in the last six years that have impacted him for years. The first fall left him with nose, right shoulder and elbow injuries. The second incident of fall happed when taking his physiotherapy exercise in his house. The patient narrates of poor services delivery offered to him at the public hospital. In the scenario, two nursing themes are evident: Negligence and communication. Feelings As a nursing professional, I have been irked by the fact that Mr William did not receive responsive and quality care at the public hospital. Firstly, there was no communication. According to Street (2013) Provider Communication ensures a positive patient experience. Secondly, the care providers were not responsive in attending to Mr. William. Responsive medical attention improves patient experience by assuring their safety and satisfaction (Dempsey, Reilly, Buhlman, 2014; Grol, Bosch, Wensing, 2013). Values/Beliefs I strongly believe in that all patients are entitles to health care that is not only of high quality but timely. I also have the beliefs, patients have a right to communication as regards their situation including communication of the priority number before they can access or see the doctor just to keep them updated and have hopes of being attended to. Mr. William did not receive good communication at the facility as no nurse cared to talk to him. Analysis It is quite obvious that chain of events in the scenario of Mr. William were quite unpleasant. Walking home from town, Mr. William trips on concrete and falls on his belly injuring his elbow, shoulder and nose. It is unfortunate that at the time of the fall, there was no one around to either help him get up or assist him walk home. Despite having major injuries, Mr. William did not fancy visiting his local public hospital arguing that the services at the facility were poor thus he had to stay in his house with the pain until he gets direction from his GP. True to his word, when Mr. William Visited the facility the following morning, he did get prompt medical attention from the doctors and had long hours of waiting. This is an indicator of poor quality of health care. Normally, high quality health care should be timely. Conclusion Drawn As evident in the scenario of Mr. William, timeliness and proper communication form integral part of high quality of healthcare. A patient needs to be communicated to so as they may be assured that their medical needs will be addressed (Cognetta-Rieke Guney, 2014). Timeliness is important as it helps arrest the medical condition in its early stage and restores physical comfort to the patient. Waiting too long may expose the patience to a lot of suffering thus poor quality of health care. Action Plan The first way one can partner with older patients like Mr. William is through their social care givers and their spouses. Old people without close family members are often taken to elderly homes where they receive care as regards their needs. This social care provider helps the older patients partner with health providers. In the event where an older patient has a relatively young and sound spouse, the spouse can help them partner with healthcare givers. Conclusion The essay detailed the health experience of Mr. William and it was clear that Mr. William had bad patient experience with public hospitals as far as his falls were concerned. The experience was attributed to poor communication and timeliness of medical attention. Evidently, communication and timeliness are critical components of patient experience to enhance quality of care. References Choctaw,W.T. (2016). The Patient Experience.Transforming the Patient Experience, 9-15. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16928-6_4 Cognetta-Rieke,C., Guney,S. (2014). Analytical Insights from Patient Narratives: The Next Step for Better Patient Experience.Journal of Patient Experience,1(1), 20-22. doi:10.1177/237437431400100105 Dempsey,C., Reilly,B., Buhlman,N. (2014). Improving the Patient Experience.JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration,44(3), 142-151. doi:10.1097/nna.0000000000000042 Grol,R., Bosch,M., Wensing,M. (2013). Development and selection of strategies for improving patient care.Improving Patient Care, 165-184. doi:10.1002/9781118525975.ch10 Street,R.L. (2013). How clinicianpatient communication contributes to health improvement: Modeling pathways from talk to outcome.Patient Education and Counseling,92(3), 286-291. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2013.05.004

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